Happy Friday players - Check out our latest TGIF post on our Blog below:
Here’s what’s NEW in game updates for this past week (what events are currently running, what’s coming up next week) - We mark the return of the Monster Hunter Feature Raid boss in Viking Clan → Vikings can log-in today to take on this formidable foe (and work to unlock his new Mythic item drop, the Mythic Odensjakt Saber) - Lots of other stuff happening in-game, including our Back to School Sale in Viking Clan, a new round of Faction Quests in Zombie Slayer and Armada Wars / Syndicate Wars (in PC and Mob Wars) 
Click through to read more. Check out the TGIF here: TGIF! Game Updates for September 1, 2023 - KanoPlay Blog
Have a great long weekend! 
Why weren’t we given a date for the New Raid Event? How come no one is answering Support Tickets?
We posted about it in-game (in the News) and in our promo for our Raid Ranks Debut Livestream (over on YouTube and Facebook). We also announced it across social media.
Last week, we ran a special sneak-peek Livestream, posted about the dates, etc. Our latest TGIF also gives you a heads up.
Raid Ranks for Pirate Clan is on right now (as of yesterday at 9:00AM PST) → Next week, it kicks off in Zombie Slayer, and then Thursday September 21st is when Mob Wars players get it.
Lastly, Thursday September 28th, Viking Clan players will be able to dive into the new feature.
Head over here to find out more about the Raid Ranks feature and keep an eye on our latest TGIF post to stay in-the-loop.
Re: Tickets, when did you send your ticket in? (last weekend was a long-weekend but we’ve responded to every ticket that has come into us) → Try checking your spam / junk filter to ensure it didn’t get filtered as Spam. Please don’t hesitate to reach out again directly via support@kanoapps.com if you aren’t receiving our messages.