Are you prepared to enter the Hall of Einherjar , Viking Clan?
The mead hall built to serve the glorious dead of Valhalla is stocked with weapons and riches… but only if you can beat its demigod protector. Brace yourselves, Vikings. Fortune and glory await you!
That’s right! We’re happy to announce the release of our 48th Location, the
Hall of Einherjar.
Players of level 27,875 and above may enter the Hall NOW to complete
new adventures,
collect new items,
and expand their Empire!
See you in-game:
That location background is so pretty 
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Our artists do a fantastic job! Always so proud of the work our art team puts together for new locations, brand new bosses, new in-game items and more.
Super talented folks on the team~ 
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It has been 18 months since this land was launched and since then only 1 new land has opened. Will there be any further new lands opened?
Yes we are actually working on a new location for Viking Clan currently - we just released a new Prestige Location - Muspell: Godly Trials this week 
You can learn more about Prestige Locations (where you can revisit a completed Location and progress through three unique tiers of new Adventures, for more Skill Points, XP and more. You can even earn Prestige Coins and pick up exclusive items from our Prestige Shop
Prestige Locations — Viking Clan Help Center (
Come to our Livestreams every Friday in our Discord Community at 12:00PM PDT to stay in-the-loop on what’s coming next & when.
You can also keep an eye out for our TGIF posts in-game (or on our blog)
Thanks for the reply. Will there be any new non-prestige locations? Locations with new bosses, new drops, etc? Or is that done?
Yes there definitely will be - We are currently working on the next NEW Location for Viking Clan
As always, we’re always going to give you a heads up in our weekly TGIF News Updates (posted in-game and on our Blog first) - Also if you show up to your Discord or YouTube Livestreams we always tease what’s coming next (if you want to be the first to know) 
Excellent news! It has been so long since the last non-prestige location. Can’t wait!
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