In case you missed it, here’s what’s new in game updates for this past week - December 16th, 2022: TGIF! Game Updates for December 16th, 2022 - KanoPlay Blog
A lot happening this week, including running our Holiday Raids (in Mob Wars: LCN) with the return of The Clausfather - Santa’s Hitlist is becoming a little too much to handle on his own, so he’s sending in for the Clausfather - We also introduced a brand new UN-Gifting event that will be running in-tandem with the Holiday Raid boss called Secret Santa
We released Legendary Holiday Crates across all of our games last week, and we just recently introduced a brand new co-op boss for Viking Clan players (tying into the brand new location)
Check out our breakdown of the new Secret Santa event, right here on Youtube: LCN 'N Learn: Secret Santa - YouTube